Games of Daze
Infomagic - Games of Daze (Summer 1995) (Disc 1 of 2).iso
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Text File
401 lines
; Filename : vars1.inc
; Included from: 3D1.ASM
; Description : Defined Variables for 3D1.ASM
; Written by: John McCarthy
; 1316 Redwood Lane
; Pickering, Ontario.
; Canada, Earth, Milky Way (for those out-of-towners)
; L1X 1C5
; Fidonet: Brian McCarthy 1:229/15
; RIME/Relaynet: ->CRS
; Home phone, (905) 831-1944, don't call at 2 am eh!
; John Mccarthy would really love to work for a company programming Robots
; or doing some high intensive CPU work. Hint. Hint.
; Send me your protected mode source code!
; Send me your Objects!
; But most of all, Send me a postcard!!!!
align 4
; table of current limitations/restraints - to be used as reference by user
; at run-time to determine if object code has been assembled with ample room
; for data/variables/point/surfaces etc...
_asm_version dw 38h
_asm_maxpoints dw maxpoints
_asm_maxsurfaces dw maxsurfaces
_asm_maxpolys dw maxpolys
_asm_maxobjects dw maxobjects
_asm_number_spaces dw number_of_spaces
_asm_xsize dw xmax-xmin
_asm_ysize dw ymax-ymin
_asm_usez dw usez
_asm_cameraobject dw cameraobject
_asm_xmode dw xmode
_asm_ratiox dw ratiox
_asm_ratioy dw ratioy
_asm_xactual dw xactual
_asm_yactual dw yactual
_asm_pages dw pages
_asm_shapes dw numberofshapes
_asm_bitmaps dw numberofbitmaps
_asm_xpals dw numberofpals
_asm_div256 dw div_256
align 4
_objbase dd numberofshapes dup (0) ; memory locations of shapes (offsets)
_bitbase dd numberofbitmaps dup (0) ; memory locations of _bitmaps
_bitx dd numberofbitmaps dup (0) ; x base size of _bitmaps (for 3d)
_bity dd numberofbitmaps dup (0) ; y base size of _bitmaps
_xreftable dd numberofpals dup (o _nullpalette) ; offsets to palette cross referance tables
_stonetbl dd numberofstones dup (0) ; offsets to stones textures
_stoneadd db numberofstones dup (0) ; colour addition value for stone textures (0,16,32,...)
_x1 dw ? ; points for line draw
_y1 dw ?
_x2 dw ?
_y2 dw ?
rise dw ? ; counter for draw loop
xp dd maxpoints dup (?) ; points breakdown, after _rotate_pointd, 2d,
yp dd maxpoints dup (?) ; x,y points after 3d, are actual location.
zp dd maxpoints dup (?) ; z useless, only good during sort of sides
sides dw maxsurfaces*maxpolys dup (?) ; visible sides only here (clockwize)
order dd maxsurfaces dup (?) ; what order to draw surfaces in.
zeds dd maxsurfaces dup (?) ; z values of first point in side, for sort
surfcolors dw maxsurfaces dup (?) ; colours for those sides, high and low
colors12 dd 0 ; colours for sides 1&2
textures dw maxsurfaces dup (?) ; commands/textures for sides
texture12 dd 0 ; textures for sides 1&2
command dd 0 ; current command in load_surfaces loop
_showing dd 0 ; how many visible sides (total)
pointindex dd 0 ; indexer to points, v_xs[],v_ys[],v_zs[]
numsides dd ? ; number of sides total, gets trashed
numpoints dd ? ; number of points, gets trashed
whichside dd ? ; which side am i doing now
dw 0 ; reserved - leave blank
tbsize = ymax-ymin
if tbsize lt xmax-xmin
tbsize = xmax-xmin
_poly_firstbyte dw tbsize dup(1000) ; table of start and end x points
dw 1000 ; end flag, permanent
dw 0 ; reserved - leave blank
_poly_lastbyte dw tbsize dup(-1000)
_poly_oney dd 1000 ; y start for one polygon draw
leftmost dw 1000 ; only used for _fakeline_vert routine
_colq db ? ; colour of this side
lamflag db ? ; is lambert matrix set up for this object?
align 4
currobj dd ? ; current object number (for shading)
xad dd ? ; 3d offset of object
yad dd ?
zad dd ?
vxcos dd ?
vxsin dd ?
vycos dd ?
vysin dd ?
vzcos dd ?
vzsin dd ?
palxrefx dd ? ; temp xreferance holder
steel db ? ; steel flag, -1 = don't use
steelc db ? ; base colour for steel, taken from _colq
polytype dd ? ; offset for polytype (_fakeline_horz)
minzc dd ? ; minz (for each object)
btolr dd ? ; tolerance (for each object)
fex dw ?
lastshade db ? ; shade intensity from last calculation
; virtual locations/objects
align 4
v_whatshape dw maxobjects+1 dup (0) ; shapes of objects or bitmaps (0,1,2...)
v_bitobjx dw maxobjects+1 dup (0) ; bitmap additional scaling x
v_bitobjy dw maxobjects+1 dup (0) ; bitmap additional scaling y
v_xs dd maxobjects+1 dup (0) ; locations of objects
v_ys dd maxobjects+1 dup (0)
v_zs dd maxobjects+1 dup (0)
v_vxs dw maxobjects+1 dup (0) ; angles of objects
v_vys dw maxobjects+1 dup (0)
v_vzs dw maxobjects+1 dup (0)
v_palxref db maxobjects+1 dup (0) ; palette cross reference for each object
v_userotate db maxobjects+1 dup (0) ; rotation type,0 = full,1 = camera
v_onoff db maxobjects+1 dup (0) ; is object on/off
dd 0 ; buffer, leave this here dragon breath!
align 4
; variables for multiple object routine, you modify these!
_whatshape dw maxobjects+1 dup (0) ; shapes of objects or bitmaps (0,1,2...)
_bitobjx dw maxobjects+1 dup (0) ; bitmap additional scaling x
_bitobjy dw maxobjects+1 dup (0) ; bitmap additional scaling y
_xs dd maxobjects+1 dup (0) ; locations of objects
_ys dd maxobjects+1 dup (0)
_zs dd maxobjects+1 dup (0)
_vxs dw maxobjects+1 dup (0) ; angles of objects
_vys dw maxobjects+1 dup (0)
_vzs dw maxobjects+1 dup (0)
_palxref db maxobjects+1 dup (0) ; palette cross reference for each object
_userotate db maxobjects+1 dup (0) ; rotation type,0 = full,1 = camera
_onoff db maxobjects+1 dup (0) ; is object on/off
align 4
_xadds dd maxobjects+1 dup (0) ; linear velocities of objects
_yadds dd maxobjects+1 dup (0)
_zadds dd maxobjects+1 dup (0)
_vxadds dw maxobjects+1 dup (0) ; anglular velocities
_vyadds dw maxobjects+1 dup (0)
_vzadds dw maxobjects+1 dup (0)
_lcount dw maxobjects+1 dup (0) ; linear counter
_acountx dw maxobjects+1 dup (0) ; angular counters
_acounty dw maxobjects+1 dup (0)
_acountz dw maxobjects+1 dup (0)
; temp storage for object routine
align 4
finalzed dd maxobjects dup (?) ; final z for sort routine
makeorder dd maxobjects dup (?) ; order for objects, bubble sorted
zedthis dd ? ; final z temp
; flags to disable/enable routines: disable = -1, enable >=0
_cam_follow dd no ; what object are we following, -1 = none
_cam_wherelook dd no ; what object do we force camera to look at
_cam_oldspeed dd ? ; how fast to move, temp counter
; camera variables = was last object in object list, now is zero'th
eyex equ d [v_xs+cameraobject*4] ; camera location (actual, dont modify)
eyey equ d [v_ys+cameraobject*4]
eyez equ d [v_zs+cameraobject*4]
eyeax equ w [v_vxs+cameraobject*2] ; angles for camera
eyeay equ w [v_vys+cameraobject*2]
eyeaz equ w [v_vzs+cameraobject*2]
_eyex equ d [_xs+cameraobject*4] ; camera location (virtual, modify these!)
_eyey equ d [_ys+cameraobject*4]
_eyez equ d [_zs+cameraobject*4]
_eyeax equ w [_vxs+cameraobject*2] ; angles for camera
_eyeay equ w [_vys+cameraobject*2]
_eyeaz equ w [_vzs+cameraobject*2]
_eyexadds equ d [_xadds+cameraobject*4] ; eye location velocity
_eyeyadds equ d [_yadds+cameraobject*4]
_eyezadds equ d [_zadds+cameraobject*4]
_eyevxadds equ w [_vxadds+cameraobject*2] ; eye angular velocities
_eyevyadds equ w [_vyadds+cameraobject*2]
_eyevzadds equ w [_vzadds+cameraobject*2]
_eyelcount equ w [_lcount+cameraobject*2] ; eye linear count (how many times to move)
_eyeacountx equ w [_acountx+cameraobject*2] ; eye angular counts
_eyeacounty equ w [_acounty+cameraobject*2]
_eyeacountz equ w [_acountz+cameraobject*2]
align 4
_ecosx dd ? ; multipliers of eyeax and eyeaz
_esinx dd ? ; reset at begining of each new frame
_ecosy dd ?
_esiny dd ?
_ecosz dd ?
_esinz dd ?
vcosx dd ? ; temp storage for object matrix calculation
vsinx dd ? ; can be used if needed during draw
vcosy dd ?
vsiny dd ?
vcosz dd ?
vsinz dd ?
_vmatrix dd 9 dup (?) ; 3x3 rotation matrix for object (includes eye)
_tmatrix dd 9 dup (?) ; 3x3 temp rotation matrix for hierarchys
_ematrix dd 9 dup (?) ; 3x3 rotation matrix for eye (32 bit)
_lmatrix dd 3 dup (?) ; 1x3 z resultant matrix for _lambert shading
_y_angle_of_sun dd 1500h ; where is the sun? for shading
; clipping variables in memory locations, pre-calculated!
; xactual and yactual basically don't change but clipping can to allow
; windows (rear view mirror, view airplanes menu, auxilary views, rear gunner)
; when flipping between windows, also flip makeorder[], _cam_follow, _cam_wherelook
; _cam_oldspeed, _clr_lxupdate, _clr_lyupdate, camera variables/angles/speeds (obviously).
_cliplt dw _xcenter+xmin ; _xcenter+xmin
_cliprt dw _xcenter+xmax-1 ; _xcenter+xmax-1
_cliptp dw _ycenter+ymin ; _ycenter+ymin
_clipbt dw _ycenter+ymax-1 ; _ycenter+ymax-1
_xcent dw _xcenter
_ycent dw _ycenter
_ycents1 dw _ycenter-1
_ycentp1 dw _ycenter+1
xmaxxcent dw xmax+_xcenter
ymaxycent dw ymax+_ycenter
_xmins dw xmin
_xmins1 dw xmin-1
_xmaxs dw xmax
_xmaxs1 dw xmax-1
_ymins dw ymin
_ymins1 dw ymin-1
_ymaxs dw ymax
_ymaxs1 dw ymax-1
xmit dd xmin-tolerance ; tolerance is max object size/ratio
xmat dd xmax+tolerance
ymit dd ymin-tolerance
ymat dd ymax+tolerance
; routines for screen stretching
_make3d dd offset _user3d ; calculate 3d ?actual*?/z (both x and y)
_make3dx dd offset _user3dx ; xactual*x/z
_make3dy dd offset _user3dy ; yactual*y/z
; variables for icon scale routine
_bitmap dd ?
_scale_destwidth dw ?
_scale_destheight dw ?
_scale_destx dw ?
_scale_desty dw ?
sourcewidth dw ? ; workspace for icon scale routine
sourceheight dw ?
decisionx dw ?
decisiony dw ?
clippedwidth dw ?
clippedheight dw ?
public _objbase
public _bitbase
public _bitx
public _bity
public _xreftable
public _stonetbl
public _stoneadd
public _xs
public _ys
public _zs
public _xadds
public _yadds
public _zadds
public _vxs
public _vys
public _vzs
public _vxadds
public _vyadds
public _vzadds
public _lcount
public _acountx
public _acounty
public _acountz
public _whatshape
public _palxref
public _userotate
public _bitobjx
public _bitobjy
public _eyex
public _eyey
public _eyez
public _eyeax
public _eyeay
public _eyeaz
public _eyexadds
public _eyeyadds
public _eyezadds
public _eyevxadds
public _eyevyadds
public _eyevzadds
public _eyelcount
public _eyeacountx
public _eyeacounty
public _eyeacountz
public _onoff
public _vmatrix
public _tmatrix
public _ematrix
public _lmatrix
public _y_angle_of_sun
public _ecosx
public _esinx
public _ecosy
public _esiny
public _ecosz
public _esinz
public _bitmap
public _scale_destwidth
public _scale_destheight
public _scale_destx
public _scale_desty
public _x1
public _y1
public _x2
public _y2
public _colq
public _poly_oney
public _poly_firstbyte
public _poly_lastbyte
public _showing
public _cliplt
public _cliprt
public _cliptp
public _clipbt
public _xcent
public _ycent
public _xmins
public _xmins1
public _xmaxs
public _xmaxs1
public _ymins
public _ymins1
public _ymaxs
public _ymaxs1
public _make3d
public _make3dx
public _make3dy
public _asm_version
public _asm_maxpoints
public _asm_maxsurfaces
public _asm_maxpolys
public _asm_maxobjects
public _asm_number_spaces
public _asm_xsize
public _asm_ysize
public _asm_usez
public _asm_cameraobject
public _asm_xmode
public _asm_ratiox
public _asm_ratioy
public _asm_xactual
public _asm_yactual
public _asm_pages